Class Levels
Beginner track
Are you stepping into the world of Lindy Hop for the first time? Welcome! This is your chance to dive into the joy of swing dancing in a fun, friendly, and supportive environment—no prior dance experience needed.
In this beginner track, you’ll spend four dedicated hours learning the fundamentals of Lindy Hop, getting comfortable with basic rhythms, and discovering the magic of partner dancing.
Here’s what you need to know:
- Registration Details: Registering solo? You can sure do it, however if you have the option, registering with a partner is encouraged, to help us keep our class attendance balanced.
- Attire: Wear comfortable clothes and clean indoor shoes that let you move freely.
- Bring your enthusiasm! An open mind and a playful spirit are all you need to start your swing dance journey.
Your participation enriches the class. Share your curiosity and contribute to our collective learning experience.
Intermediate track
You’ve been taking regular Lindy Hop classes for at least a year and are eager to keep growing and learning more! You feel comfortable mixing different rhythms, such as groove walks, Charleston steps, kick steps, and triple steps, while maintaining a steady beat. Alternating between 6- and 8-count structures comes naturally, and you can incorporate simple swing-out variations into your dancing.
You dance with ease to mid-tempo songs and enjoy social dancing regularly. You’ve attended local workshops and possibly even an international dance event. You might also be familiar with other swing dance styles and are excited to expand your knowledge, refine your technique, and gain new inspiration for your dancing.
Advanced track
Lindy Hop is an essential part of your life. You have been dancing at an advanced level for at least 4 years, regularly attending classes and social dances, often participating in national or international workshops and festivals, and even competing. You may even teach locally. With a strong foundation in swing dancing, you quickly pick up and integrate new steps and variations.
Your repertoire of figures and variations is extensive, but you are always eager for new challenges. You feel comfortable dancing to any tempo, including faster tempos, and can adapt seamlessly while maintaining balance, timing, and a strong connection with your partner. You understand that quality of movement is more important than the number of figures you know, and you want to focus on your movement skills and improvisation, as well as improve your musicality and communication.
Note: We love your enthusiasm! However, we simply ADORE your realism 😉 Please make sure you sign up for the level that truly fits your dancing experience, and help us create a quality class experience for each and every one of you!
Musicality workshop: from Musicians to Dancers
In this workshop, led by Julien Gillain, you’ll dive into the heart of swing and learn how to understand and feel it more deeply. We’ll explore key elements like different song structures, rhythm, and syncopation, and how these interact with the way we move. We’ll listen to tunes, clap along, scat and engage with the sounds to help you connect more fully with the rhythm and structure.
This class will give you tools to improve your timing, musicality, and overall connection to what’s happening inside the music, helping you dance in greater harmony with the songs.
There will also be time for you to ask questions and explore any aspects of musicality, rhythm or swing music that you’re curious about.
Get ready to deepen your understanding of swing music and take your dancing to the next level!